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Yemen in the documents and wikileaks
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Yemen in the documents and wikileaks
A leaked diplomatic cable has corroborated pictures released earlier this year by Amnesty International.
The photographs showed the US military carrying out a missile strike in south Yemen in December 2009.
The strike, which killed dozens of local residents, was revealed in the cable, in which Yemen’s President Ali Abdullah Saleh is reported as having assured US General David Petraeus that his government would “continue saying the bombs are ours, not yours”.
According to the cable, the alleged Yemeni government cover-up, was taken to the parliament where members were told by the Yemeni Deputy Prime Minister Rashad al-‘Alimi that the bombs were American-made but deployed by the Republic of Yemen Government.
On seeing evidence of the cable on Wikileaks, Philip Luther, Amnesty International’s Deputy Director for the Middle East and North Africa, said: "The cable appears to confirm Amnesty International’s finding that the Abyan strike was carried out by the US military, not Yemeni government forces."
An alleged al-Qaeda training camp at al-Ma’jalah, Abyan, was hit by a cruise missile on 17th December 2009.
A Yemeni parliamentary inquiry later found that 41 local residents, including 14 women and 21 children, and 14 alleged al-Qaeda members were killed in the attack.
In the 4th January cable released on Wikileaks, US General David Petraeus is recorded as saying that the attack had caused the deaths of "only three civilians."
كشفت وثائق ويكليكس عن صفقة سرية بين الرئيس اليمنى على عبدالله صالح والولايات المتحدة بشأن شن هجمات صاروخية على القاعدة فى اليمن بزعم أنه عملى يمنى.
ففى خطوة تهدد بإثارة غضب الرأى العام المحلى والعربى، أوضحت صحيفة الجارديان المخولة بنشر الوثائق الأمريكية الدبلوماسية مع عدد من كبرى الصحف الأجنبية، أن الرئيس اليمنى عرض سرًا الوصول غير المقيد للقوات الأمريكية إلى أرضه لشن غارات من جانب واحد ضد أهداف تابعة للقاعدة.
وقال صالح لنائب مستشار الأمن القومى الأمريكى فى رسالة سرية فى سبتمبر 2009: "لقد منحتكم بابا مفتوحا على الإرهاب. لذا أنا غير مسئول عن شىء".
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
The photographs showed the US military carrying out a missile strike in south Yemen in December 2009.
The strike, which killed dozens of local residents, was revealed in the cable, in which Yemen’s President Ali Abdullah Saleh is reported as having assured US General David Petraeus that his government would “continue saying the bombs are ours, not yours”.
According to the cable, the alleged Yemeni government cover-up, was taken to the parliament where members were told by the Yemeni Deputy Prime Minister Rashad al-‘Alimi that the bombs were American-made but deployed by the Republic of Yemen Government.
On seeing evidence of the cable on Wikileaks, Philip Luther, Amnesty International’s Deputy Director for the Middle East and North Africa, said: "The cable appears to confirm Amnesty International’s finding that the Abyan strike was carried out by the US military, not Yemeni government forces."
An alleged al-Qaeda training camp at al-Ma’jalah, Abyan, was hit by a cruise missile on 17th December 2009.
A Yemeni parliamentary inquiry later found that 41 local residents, including 14 women and 21 children, and 14 alleged al-Qaeda members were killed in the attack.
In the 4th January cable released on Wikileaks, US General David Petraeus is recorded as saying that the attack had caused the deaths of "only three civilians."
كشفت وثائق ويكليكس عن صفقة سرية بين الرئيس اليمنى على عبدالله صالح والولايات المتحدة بشأن شن هجمات صاروخية على القاعدة فى اليمن بزعم أنه عملى يمنى.
ففى خطوة تهدد بإثارة غضب الرأى العام المحلى والعربى، أوضحت صحيفة الجارديان المخولة بنشر الوثائق الأمريكية الدبلوماسية مع عدد من كبرى الصحف الأجنبية، أن الرئيس اليمنى عرض سرًا الوصول غير المقيد للقوات الأمريكية إلى أرضه لشن غارات من جانب واحد ضد أهداف تابعة للقاعدة.
وقال صالح لنائب مستشار الأمن القومى الأمريكى فى رسالة سرية فى سبتمبر 2009: "لقد منحتكم بابا مفتوحا على الإرهاب. لذا أنا غير مسئول عن شىء".
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
رد: Yemen in the documents and wikileaks
شكراً على الخبر، ومن المعروف أن هذا يحدث
أحمد الورد- الدولة : عدد الرسائل : 12
نقاط : 12
تاريخ التسجيل : 08/12/2010
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
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